CS 685-001/PPA 784-003/STA 695-001 Fall 2009

Phylogenetic Analysis and Molecular Evolution

Final project

Suggested problems PDF

Here is some information to help you with deadlines and expectations of the final project.

  1. The individual group interview will be held the last week of the semester (dead week). Students need to make an appointment for the interview which should take 30 minutes. The groups also need to submit a draft of their project report at least 24 hours ahead of their appointment.
  2. The final draft of the project reports is due Dec 13th at 11:59pm et.
  3. For the class final, each group will have 15 minutes to present their projects. They may use some multimedia available in the room. The students should prepare ahead of time so that there is a smooth and timely transition between groups. The groups are also expected to submit an outline of their presentation to the instructors 24 hours ahead of the final time.
  4. Note to the class: For the final project, please do not compartmentalize your knowledge by your major. Everyone should have an understanding of all aspects of the project.
  5. Note to the class: The paper reading assignment is now contained in the final project.
  6. Note to the class: For the final project, you are required to have one instructor as a supervisor.